Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

Artist Spotlight: Pablo Auladell

Pablo Auladell was born in Alicante, Spain, in 1972. He is longsighted, self-taught and has got no cat at home. He received the Second Best Illustrated Book for Children Award in 2005 (Spanish Ministry of Culture) for Peiter, Peter and Peer and other Andersen Tales. He also received the Best New Talented Author Award in the 'Saló del Cómic de Barcelona' 2006 for the comic-book La Torre Blanca. Pablo is currently working as freelance illustrator in Alicante.

Daily Video: Owl City - Fireflies

Owl City - Fireflies from Carolina Alvim on Vimeo.

Today's video is by Owl City (AKA Adam Young) of Minnesota. Despite the obvious similarity in sound to Postal Service, Owl City is pretty great!

Daily LOL - Geisha Lessons